This dish always makes me think of family. You know how some families get together for Christmas or Thanksgiving and there are certain dishes that each person is just expected to bring? Part of the tradition? Well, in our family I always bring broccoli casserole to our Christmas gathering (except for the one year when my baking dish exploded WITH the casserole in it... but I digress). I got this recipe from a lady in my church several years ago and it is a favorite not only with my family but with my friends' families as well!
4 pkg. frozen chopped broccoli
1 c. mayonnaise
4 whole eggs
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
6 Tbsp. chopped onion
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
1 stick butter
2 c. bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Boil frozen broccoli for 5 minutes; drain well.
Beat eggs; stir in mayonnaise, mushroom soup, onions, cheese, salt and pepper.
Fold in broccoli.
Place entire mixture in a 9x13-in. casserole dish. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes; until slightly brown on top.
While casserole is baking, prepare topping by melting butter in a skillet. Add bread crumbs. Stir until golden brown.
After removing casserole from oven, cover with bread crumb topping and serve.
*If you prefer to make a smaller portion of this, you may cut the amounts of everything in half and use an 8x8-in. baking dish.
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